This contest has finished.
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Welcome to the Trophy Room Big Buck Photo Contest!

Congratulations Megan Currie! on receiving the most votes and winning a $50 Gift Card to Gander Mountain (and official bragging rights, of course).

Also, congratulations to first and second runner-ups, Nic Segebrecht and David!
All around some beautiful trophies displayed here.

The voting period of the contest has ended, and the winner announced, but don't let that stop you from submitting a photo of your 2009 Trophy Buck.
We know there's more out there so display your prize for all of us to see! Or peruse the entries at your leisure.

Photo may include hunter and the buck, or buck only.

Happy Holidays from!

All times are in Central Standard Time.            Completed            Current           Future   
Submission Period Voting Period
Sat, Nov 21 2009 12:01 AM -
Sat, Dec 31 2011 11:59 PM
Sat, Nov 21 2009 12:01 AM -
Tue, Dec 06 2011 11:59 PM
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The Trophy Room Big Buck Photo Contest

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